Auteur/autrice : Admin

Partager la passion

Jersey – Rallye des manoirs

Our April‘s event was a meeting with our friends of Jersey during 3 days. The matter was : Jersey Rallye Des Manoirs The friday, 37 cars, 73 persons have taken the ferry at St Malo.  Our friends welcome and guide us till the Hôtel Ambassadeur in St Clement. Saturday : visit to the Orchid Foundation followed by…
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19 avril 2024 0

Curiosités et Symétries

Our event of March drives us in the north of the Deux-Sèvres department (79) and at the border of the Touraine, Anjou and Poitou. In the mornig the appointment was in Oiron for the visit of the castle, historic monument. Inside you find the collection of Art Contemporain , «  Curiost & Mirabilia » In the afternoon,…
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17 mars 2024 0

Historic Auto – 4e épisode

Historic Auto is become an important Car Show in the west of France. This year, there were 250 exhibitors and during the 2 days, saturday and sunday, 32.000 visitors. Our region was present with 3 cars : One XJC for the 50th anniversary, an XK120 Roadster for the 75th anniversary, and a D Type built by…
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17 février 2024 0

Entre Terre et Mer

14 January : our 1st 2024 event in the south of Brittany – In the morning : appointment in Etel for the visit of the Tunny Museum. Before the Second World War, Etel was an important harbour for the tunny-fish with about 250 sailing-dundees. The museum relates this beautiful story. During the christmas period, a temporary exposition…
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14 janvier 2024 0

Assemble générale 2023

The 10th december was our A.G.M . The place was Le Château de la Poterie near Nantes. Our committee has presented the result of our 2023 activity (14 events), the 2023 financial results, the organisation of the Club for 2024 and the program of our 2024 events (13). After a very good lunch, music with a…
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10 décembre 2023 0

Arts et costumes

The 19th of November was our last event of the year and we have choosen to meet the world of the Theatre and the art. The first appointment was in a little village Saint Paul du Bois (near Cholet 49), 600 inhabitants, where the passion for the theater is cultivated since 60 years. In the…
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19 novembre 2023 0

Voyage à travers le temps: des troglos à l’auto…

In October we have proposed to discover the region of Saumur (49) during a week-end. This region proposes Castles, troglodytic villages and famous wines. We began the saturday in Doué-La-Fontaine by the visit of the «  Troglo-Sarcophagus museum ». It is a quarry where during 1500 years men have used the underground space for the production…
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21 octobre 2023 0

Voyage en Cotentin : un programme riche et varié

Vendredi 22 : Rendez vous à Villedieu les poêles pour les 27 équipages pour un déjeuner au Fruitier, suivi l‘après-midi de la visite des Forges et de la Vieille ville, visite commentée par notre ami Michel Besnard, puis route vers Valognes lieu de notre séjour pendant 6 nuitées. Samedi 23 : Découverte du Val de Saire : Site…
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22 septembre 2023 0

La Rencontre de 2 Patrimoines (pique-nique)

August is the month in which we propose our annual picnic. Our theme this year was : « The meeting of 2 heritages » : Stones // Cars. We wanted to present Classic cars to owners of Castle. The first one is a private manorhouse Château de la Bornière near Bain de Bretagne, built in the 19th centuty and…
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12 septembre 2023 0

Evènements de septembre : roulage à Lohéac, Goulaine Revival, et Journées du Patrimoine

In september we had 3 events : The first one, on the 6th, was a Track Day in Lohéac near Rennes. Lohéac is well known for its magnificent Museum, but there is also a track which offers large possibilities of enjoyment. The circuit was reserved for our Club. We were 22 members with 18 cars not…
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6 septembre 2023 0