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Le Mans Classic 2023

29 – 30 June  + 1 – 2 July : Le Mans Classic Thursday 29th : circuit and paddocks open to the public Friday 30th : practrice and qualifying sessions Saturday 1st 16h till sunday 2nd 16h : races On the track : 11 grids , 24 races, 900 cars from 1923 till 1981 220 clubs showing about 9200…
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29 juin 2023 0

Journée pour ces dames : logis et jardins remarquables

Our june’s event was organised for our Ladies. We have planed the visit of 2 noteworthy gardens in the south of Vendée . The mornig appointment and visit of the Château de la Chevallerie at St Gemme la Plaine. It is a superb dwelling of 17 and 18 centuries renovated in 2004 by the actual owners.…
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21 juin 2023 0

Dame Blanche et Gueules Noires

In May our event was the discovery of the south Vendée : Fontenay Le Comte area. The saturday morning 20 crews had appointment in Vouvant which is one of the « Plus Beaux Villages de France » for discovering with a guide the Medieval City born with the Melusine Fairy. After a tour through the Forest…
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13 mai 2023 0

Cote des Légendes (Finistère)

April was our choice for discovering the north of Brittany : La Côte des Légendes. The appointment was the saturday morning at «  La Pointe St Mathieu » near the Conquet. We visit the Musée Mémories 39 – 45 which is a blockhaus of 5 stages which was the german headquarters durIng the WW2 . Inside different rooms…
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1 avril 2023 0

Pays de Retz

The matter of our event in January was about Adventures, in February Sport’s cars and in March it was about the History of a little area of our region : Le Pays de Retz, situated along the atlantic coast just in the south of the Loire river. The morning : visit of the Musée de Retz in…
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19 mars 2023 0

L’Excellence Mancelle

Our event in February was : L’ Excellence Mancelle. The morning : appointment with the well-known garage Provost in Le Mans. Provost is one of the better specialist in France which propose restoration, services, and sells of vintage, and classic cars. In the workshop you find Jaguar, Ferrari, Delahaye, Mercedes, Aston Martin After the lunch in the…
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17 février 2023 0

De la Transmanche à la Transatlantique

Our first event of the year was the 29 January and it was a day of : «  Meeting » The first one : a Meeting with Meditation. Visit of the Chapelle St Philibert which takes place in the heart of the Quiberon’s bay in the entrance of the Golfe du Morbihan. This little Chapelle, very well decorated…
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29 janvier 2023 0

Assemblée générale 2022

The 11 of December we have had our A.G.M. These year we had choosen the Château de le Poterie, at La Chapelle sur Erdre near Nantes. We were 79 members, 145 persons. During the meeting we have drawn up the balance -sheet of our 2022 activity (14 events) and the one of our financial result…
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11 décembre 2022 0

Patrimoine de la Vendée – tome 3

The Dicovery of the patrimony of Vendée was our last 2022 event before our A.M.G 22 crews, 40 persons find themselves the sunday morning at Le Logis de la Chabotterie. This is a high place of the war in Vendée during the french revolution, where the Général Charette was arrested putting definitively end of the…
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13 novembre 2022 0

European Tour + voyage en Corrèze

This year our annual trip, from 23rd till 29th September, was in Perigord for join the Europeen Tour during 3 days and in Corrèze for complete during also 3 days. In Perigord our hotel was the hotel Laborderie in Tamnies near Sarlat. During the 3 days we travel through the Vezère Valley . Lascaux with a…
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23 septembre 2022 0