Auteur/autrice : Admin

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16 Octobre : Nouveau : 60 Type E pour les 60 ans de la Type E

En juin de cette année, la région française des Pays de Loire / Bretagne a célébré le 60e anniversaire de la Type E avec ses membres. Jean Danais, organisateur dans la région, a contacté la concession Jaguar de Nantes pour l’informer de ce qui allait se passer et, à partir de cette communication, Jaguar France…
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28 novembre 2021 0

06 ou 07 Novembre : Relais ligérien : Autour des Sables d’ Olonne (85100)

The 10 th of November was our last event for these year. Patrick Regent has  suggested 2 appointments in the town of Les Sable d’ Olonne en Vendée. The morning it was the discovery of one Blockhaus Hospital built in 1943 during the WW2 after a naval engagement open sea Les Sables d’ Olonne has…
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28 novembre 2021 0

Sur les Traces de Gauguin

The 10th of October 18 crews  join in the little town of Clohars Carnoet in the south Finistère in Brittany to follow the Track of Gauguin. Gauguin lives in these area at the end of the 19th century with a lot of painters and created a lot of paintings. The morning the crews visit the…
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28 novembre 2021 0

Jura 2021

From the 20th till 28th september the JEC Pays de Loire et Bretagne has organised a tour in Jura. Jura is about 700km from our region and we have made 2 stages before arriving in Jura. The first one was in Bourges where we spend time toLe Jura étant à environ  visit free the old…
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15 octobre 2021 0

Pique – nique : Les Côteaux Nantais Haras de Hus

The 25th August was the day of our annual picnic. These year the theme was :            In the Heart of the Patrimony The morning :  appointment at La Chapelle St Pierre – es – Liens at  La Chapelle Basse Mer near Nantes. Founded during the XI century these chapel has known a lot of events and in…
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13 septembre 2021 0

Sortie JEC PdLB Fête les 60 ans de la Type E 1

We have had a great disappointment when Blenheim has been cancelled. So we have decided to make our event : Le JEC Pays de Loire & Bretagne fête les 60 ans de la Type E. It was the 13 June at the Château de Chasseloir in the vineyard in our region. After a little tour in the…
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21 juin 2021 0

Journée pour ces dames: Le Safran

Each year our region organises an event more specially for our wives. In October we have had an apppointment with Cynfael, The  Safran Prince and the Briau Palace. Cynfael,raise these spice also named Purple Gold, and makes the transformation in about thirty products intended at cooking, healthy, and well-being. The Briau Palace is an important…
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21 octobre 2020 0

Le Poète Ferrailleur

The sunday 12 september, by a spendid sunny day in south Brittany, 28 crews, either 55 persons have discovered a very surprising place in Lisio (56) « Le Poète Ferrailleur » and a beautiful medieval town » Malestroit ». Le Poète Ferrailleur is a imaginary, poetic museum where a lot of useless machines challenge the reason. The better is…
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13 septembre 2020 0


For the first time our region has made the organisation of a track day in the Circuit of Lohéac (35) We were 26 crews and 16 cars on the track : 1 E Type + 2 MK2 + 2 XJS + 11 XK8 and XK5 ; For the most of the people it was he first time …
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28 août 2020 0

Pique-nique : Des Vergers au Parfum

Each year in August our region organises a picnic. These year it was in the south of the Nantes’ area In the morning the appointment was on the Lac de Grand Lieu, a Natural , National Reserve. The lake is recovered by a floating herbarium  where live 270 sorts of birds, 30 sorts of fishes…
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18 août 2020 0