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Balade en pays bigouden

Article for the August or September Magazine The time of lockdown is arrived in France. So we have been able to hold the organisation of the forseen weekend in Pays Bigouden the 27 and 28 June. Saturday morning the appointment was at the  Parc Botanique in Combrit / Pont l’ Abbé. It is an exotic and…
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15 juillet 2020 0

Historic Auto 2020

Our region was present for the second edition of the HISTOTIC CAR SHOW in Nantes the 29th Fabruary and 1st March. We have made a presentation though the theme : « GRACE – SPACE – PACE » with a 420 G , an E Type, and a MK2 and some old advertising on our area. About 20000 persons…
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25 mai 2020 0

sortie welcome 2020

Article for the March Magazine Our first 2020 event was :  Welcome in 2020.  The aim of these event is to to find oneself after the feast of Christmas and the new year. 30 crews, either 54 persons + 4 children, are joined up in Vannes for first, the visit of the fortifications of the town,…
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2 février 2020 0

Assemblée Générale 2019

Article for the February Magazine The 08 December we have had our 2019 A.G.M  in the Manoir of La Jahotière  in Abbaretz near Nantes. During these assembly we have resumed our 2019 activities, 12 events with our trip in Irland , and we have presented our forecast program for 2020. These one include 15 events…
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23 décembre 2019 0

Week-end chez des Vainqueurs

Our last meeting was named : «  Weekend chez des Vainqueurs »  Why ? Our first stage was the saturday afternoon : Winners in Sport’s car : the Matra Museum in Romorantin. Matra wins 24h hours of Le Mans in 1972 1973 1974 , and was F1 world champion with J. Stewart in 1971.  All the cars are in the…
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21 octobre 2019 0

Balade automnale en Vendée

Oyster, sardine and tradition were the menu of our journey in Vendée the 22 of September. We have begun in Bouin, most important place for oyster in Vendée. These oyster are fleshy,salt as an oyster must be, and the testing with a glass of Muscadet wine is a very good moment. After a road book…
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22 septembre 2019 0

Pique nique sur les Rails

Article for the October Magazine The thursday 22 August, 19 crews, 38 persons, have participated at our annual pinic. The morning was reserved for a leisure appointment. We meet in the little town of Bouin (85)  an uncommon man who is the owner of trains, locomotive, waggon, tramway which were used a long time ago…
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22 août 2019 0

Classic Days

For the 1st time the meeting Les Classic Days has been organised in Le Mans – Bugatti the 6th and  7th of July. All was present on the circuit : 1600 cars, mixed of popular and exeptional,100 motor bikes, 30000 persons , pit lane open, about 300 cars on the track, and the sun during all…
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8 juillet 2019 0

Historic Autodrome

The 29th and 30th June our Club was present at the Historic Auto‘Drom show car in Nantes. The  theme for us was «  The Race ». Under a very strong sun we have presented  2 E Type semi –  lightweight ,1 C Type and a XKSS.  L’ ACO has lent us some automobilia, 24 Hours winner…
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29 juin 2019 0

Journée pour ces dames

The event we propose in June is dedicated at our wives named :  Journée pour ces Dames. These year, Marie Eve has organised a journey with, in the morning, the visit of the firm LONGCHAMP in the town of Pouzauges  and in the afternoon, the discovery of a medieval garden in a nearby village . LONGCHAMP…
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5 juin 2019 0