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Bang Bang Festival Château Le Brossay

10 July : Bang Bang Festival Château Le Brossay The Castle le Brossay, situated in the village of Rénac, near Redon (Brittany, Ille et Vilaine) is a wonderfull property, ranked «  Monuments Historiques » whose the owners are the Taittinger ( champagne ) family. For developping these patrimony the family organise a Classic Car Show. This year…
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10 juillet 2022 0

Lorient, Histoires de Forteresses

Article for the April Magazine Lorient, History of Fortress was the appointment of the 23 and 24 February. On Saturday Bernard and Bernadette have prepared 2 visits for the group. – The Museum of the Compagnie des Indes, inside the Citadel, recalls the fantastic history of the big seaborne trade compagnies of the 17 and…
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21 mars 2019 0

Accord Vin & Swing

Article for the May Magazine Appointment at the Moulin Touchais in the vineyard of Anjou for an Accord Vins // Swing. 230 years old these vineyard is one of the most traditional estate which as built his notoriety on the production of the sweet white wine Coteau du Layon. The degustation was escorted by music…
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21 mars 2019 0

Exemples de Galleries

Gallerie modula Gallerie envira Une autre galerie qui a sa propre page ici

22 février 2019 0

Bienvenu sur le site du club !

Bienvenue sur le site du club Jec Ouest. Bonne visite sur notre nouveau site internet !

14 novembre 2018 0