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Jersey – Rallye des manoirs

Our April‘s event was a meeting with our friends of Jersey during 3 days. The matter was : Jersey Rallye Des Manoirs The friday, 37 cars, 73 persons have taken the ferry at St Malo.  Our friends welcome and guide us till the Hôtel Ambassadeur in St Clement. Saturday : visit to the Orchid Foundation followed by…
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19 avril 2024 0

Curiosités et Symétries

Our event of March drives us in the north of the Deux-Sèvres department (79) and at the border of the Touraine, Anjou and Poitou. In the mornig the appointment was in Oiron for the visit of the castle, historic monument. Inside you find the collection of Art Contemporain , «  Curiost & Mirabilia » In the afternoon,…
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17 mars 2024 0

L’Excellence Mancelle

Our event in February was : L’ Excellence Mancelle. The morning : appointment with the well-known garage Provost in Le Mans. Provost is one of the better specialist in France which propose restoration, services, and sells of vintage, and classic cars. In the workshop you find Jaguar, Ferrari, Delahaye, Mercedes, Aston Martin After the lunch in the…
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17 février 2023 0

Roulage à Lohéac et expo photos à La Gacilly (35)

Each year, we have a TrackSport day in the course of all the members can engage their cars. We hired the Circuit of Lohéac, near Rennes, for the morning. 23 cars have shared the track under sun and rain and of course a lot of discussion during the lunch. In the afternoon we went to…
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8 septembre 2022 0

Pique-nique en Brière

August is traditionaly the month where we have our annual picnic. This year the place we have choosen was La Brière, a typical area of marsh near St Nazaire The first appointment for the 34 crews, 64 persons was the visit of the Musée de la Marine en Bois du Brivet at Montoir de Bretagne.…
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24 août 2022 0

Le Mans Classic 2022

1 -2 – 3 July : Le Mans Classic Fantastic : Track, races, pit-lane paddocks and Clubs  under a very strong sun The D Type ( 774 RW) and the C Type you see in these pictures (below) are the Original : D Type has won Le Mans in 1955 and the C Type is the frame n°4…
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1 juillet 2022 0

Sur les traces des Dinannais et des Malouins

The 25 and 26 June was a weekend in Brittany On the trail of the Dinannais and the Malouin Appointment in Lanvallay the morning for cafe and pan-cake and after road to Dinan for the visit of the castle Anne de Bretagne, lunch in the town and in the afternoon visit of the town in…
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25 juin 2022 0

ça carbure à Fouesnant

On Saturday 21st May, for 2 days, Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club members from Pays de Loire et Bretagne contribued in a car show in Fouesnant (south Brittany) Two circuit tours with more than 100 cars completed by a presentation of Classic, enjoy all the people. Our Club was represented by a nice stall with 4 cars…
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21 mai 2022 0

Patrimoine de l’Anjou – Tome 2

The weekend of the 14th and 15th of May was a Tour in Anjou ( 49 ) for a discovery of the patrimony. Organised by Guy Menet, one of our members. The saturday, Lucien Guitteny, one of our members who has been a race driver has made a reception in his house and has presented…
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14 mai 2022 0

10eme anniversaire du club

The 03 April we have celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our Club JEC PdLB . We have open our region in 2010 and during this year and 2011 we have grown up. It was necessary to structure our organisation and in 2012 we have created the french Association Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club Pays de Loire & Bretagne.…
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3 avril 2022 0